Welcome to the third follow-up event of the Social Tools 2018 conference. Since new practices cannot be established during a weekend workshop we decided to host 6 peer powered training sessions. The program for this 6 sessions will be based on the “12 Patterns of Decentralized Organizing” as outlined by Nat and Rich in their workshop.

Session 3 will focus on Patterns 11+12: “Use Rhythm to Align Autonomy” and “Find Own Patterns with Regular Retrospectives”.

Pattern 11 suggest that an organisation could be perhaps better described in terms of the rythms that occur within that organisation. It proposes that different spaces (or meetings) – that reliably occur with different frequency – allow for different type of discussions to emerge. For example: if I can trust that there will be a yearly retreat in our organisation I don’t need to make solving complex emotional issues my priority at the weekly members meeting.

Pattern 12 proposes to review patterns of the organisation regularily and implement changes if needed. In that way new patterns can emerge that are exactly right for that particular organisation, but also it gives more space for experimentation, something that the Sociocracy mantra: “Good enough for now, safe enough to try.” summarizes beautifully.

The event is intended as peer learning session where we will exchange experiences and practices from our different backgrounds. We will do some exercises and deepen our understanding of the patterns. These sessions are open to anyone – not only Social Tools conference participants. Some refreshments will be provided.

Please register here:

Mon, November 19, 2018
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM EET

Pixelache HQ
Kaasutehtaankatu 1/21
Suvilahti – Building 7
00540 Helsinki
Please check this image to find the correct entrance!


Categories: announcements