This is the fifth of a series of follow-up events of the Social Tools 2018 conference. It is open to anyone. No prior knowledge or attendance of the 2018 conference is required!
Since new practices cannot be established during a weekend workshop we decided to host several training sessions. The “program” for this sessions will be based on the “12 Patterns of Decentralized Organizing” as outlined by Nat and Rich in their workshop.
For each of the peer learning session we will focus on one pair of those 12 patters. We will exchange experiences and practices, do some exercises and deepen our understanding of the patterns. We will pull in other resources and discussions, for example from Sociocracy 3.0 or Cultural Democracy.
Session 5 will focus on Patterns 5+6: “Keep talking about power” & “Conflict is normal – agree how to deal with it”
We will look into how inevitable power imbalances in a decentralised organisation can be adressed and consider an escalation model to adress conflict.
The space for this event
is generously provided by QUERQ ry (ex. “Kehä Nolla”) – the Pixelache
office became slightly too small for hosting the event.